The LehmanBush Foundation for Youth Development seeks to cultivate positive youth development in multiple fields and across cultures. To achieve this, the Foundation provides young learners with opportunities and programming so they may achieve their potential and make a positive impact in the world. Guided by our vision of a new generation of bold, global-minded youth that generate a brighter future for the world, we encourage positive youth development through a holistic process of growth in which young people create a strong sense of self that enables them to be actively involved in the leadership of their own lives. When we can cultivate these elements of positive youth development, young people learn to create good habits, work effectively with others, and act on behalf of the common good while cultivating their skills, knowledge, and interests in meaningful ways that serve as a basis for their growth. Focusing on positive youth development as the basis of our youth programming makes our programs more effective and meaningful.

Paying attention to and cultivating a safe and welcoming environment. This means having clear, consistent expectations in our programs, insisting on kindness and respect, helping youth learn to resolve conflicts rather than punishing them for handling it badly, and providing a balance between structure and flexibility.  These opportunities should help youth feel valued and included.

Providing a way for youth to meaningfully contribute and be recognized for the effort and progress they are making. Adults tend to underestimate youth capability and fail to challenge them enough. Quality youth programs intentionally plan ways for youth to contribute to the group experience in a variety of ways that help them see and experience their value.  Encouraging youth to try new things in order to learn about themselves. Young people need the opportunity to direct their learning towards their own budding interests. They need safe spaces to explore, to fail and try again, and to try on different ways of being and thinking.

Youth need to have the experience of getting good at something. Quality youth programs ensure that young people have opportunities to build skills in a way that provides meaningful feedback they can use to improve and prove to themselves that they can succeed.  Helping youth understand they can do this. Not everyone grows up in happy circumstances. We all need a sense of hope. Building hope in programs can involve making space for fun, showing youth we can find success from failure, and providing them plenty of time to explore and take healthy risks.

The Foundation focuses on six programs: Neurodiversity, Women, Leadership, Environmental, Entrepreneurship and Art.